
8 March 2019

BMW F20 / F30 coilover set – MTSGWBM20

The BMW 3 Series is a long-standing hit that has existed on the market for over 40 years. Years pass, the next generations appear on the market, and the owners of each of them still like to lower them. It is no different from the F30 still being offered.
1 March 2019

BMW E39 coilover set – MTSGWBM04

E39 introduced a stylistic revolution in BMW cars. In comparison with E34, his successor has become smoothier and more modern. The new body lines have not killed the spirit of the brand. Dynamic engines and rear drive gave a lot of fun. When everything settles on a better suspension, the real fun is just beginning!
22 February 2019

BMW E38 coilover set – MTSGWBM21

The BMW E38 is one of the most distinctive varieties of the luxury 7th series. The last generation, skillfully combining huge sizes with a sporty character. This made the E38 still admired, adored ... and modified! Low Seven is not yet a common view. We are planning to change it.