
27 September 2019

BMW E30 coilover set – MTSGWBM10

The E30 is a classic still popular among BMW fans. The situation is similar in our coilover suspensions offer, where we offer as many as 2 options for getting a lowering in this model.
13 September 2019

Axle loads – what are they for?

Coilover suspension, as a component so important in the proper behavior of the car on the road, should be selected accordingly. Several guidelines serve this. In addition to the make, model or body version, these are often axle loads. What is this last parameter?
6 September 2019

VW Caddy coilover set – MTSGWVW34

The previous post about the suspension for VW Scirocco pointed to the fact how many cars were created based on the VW Golf V platform. This wide range of models also includes the VW Caddy. Of course, we also have the option to lower it.