VW Golf Mk7 coilover set – MTSGWVW32

The range of our coilover suspensions for VW Golf starts from the oldest Mk1. From now we can also say that it has been fullfilled. The missing link, VW Golf VII, has been provided with the MTSGWVW32 coilover set.

Solutions that fit into the idea of the car

The latest car in the range of this VW model equals the latest features in our suspension. Double golden galvanization and black-anodized aluminum are already obvious…

VW Golf coilovers

Just like the other sets, VW Golf VII set also has a double anti-corrosion layer

…just like the Eibach springs. In this case, there is no transitional period. The MTSGWVW32 set is equipped with Eibach springs for both axes from the very beginning.

Eibach spring

In MTSGWVW32 set Eibach has made springs for both axles

Complete set, ready for assembly

Bump stop – an important and often neglected detail during the exchange of suspension, was also taken serious by us. The element made of durable PUR foam is added not only at the front threaded struts but also at the rear shock absorbers!

VW Golf rear shock

PUR bump stops are more reliable than rubber ones. MTSGWVW32 includes bump stops for both axles!

Tests have shown that the latest edition of Golf after lowering behaves as gratefully as its previous generations. And it looks amazingly good. The effect before / after exceeded our expectations. Again, it was confirmed that changing the wheel and suspension has a significant impact on the appearance of the car. This is particularly noticeable in newer designs. Popular cars, many of which travel on our roads. This is a real metamorphosis, which you can also see in the video and photos, created by Conek Foto.


Low Golf

VW Golf GTD on MTS Technik coils

Low VW

VW Golf GTD on MTS Technik coils

Low Golf

VW Golf GTD on MTS Technik coils

VW Golf MTS Technik

Before / after effect of mounting MTSGWVW32 set in the car

And in a week we will show you the full assembly process on the car.

VW Golf Mk7 coilover set - MTSGWVW32
Article Name
VW Golf Mk7 coilover set - MTSGWVW32
A detailed description of VW Golf VII coilover suspension.
Publisher Name
MTS Technik
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