
21 February 2020

BMW E24 coilover set – MTSGWBM19

BMW E24 6 series delighted with proportions and class. Today, it is experiencing a renaissance with brand fans who bring their copies to perfection. There is no excessive tuning here. Only the details count. And as befits a coupe - also a lowering.
7 February 2020

TÜV certificates for the next coilover suspensions

After positive verification of the first two coilover suspensions from our offer, the time has come for the next.
24 January 2020

TÜV certification for the first coilover suspensions!

Recent years in our company have been associated with constant expansion into foreign markets. In addition to the ever-growing demand for MTS Technik coils in Poland, we have also expanded the distribution grid in other countries. We strengthened our position in the companies with which we have already cooperated, additionally opening up to new directions. In this way, we have become a brand recognized almost throughout Europe.